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Nip + Fab Party-Prep Glycolic Set Review and Photos

Nip and Fab Glycolic Cleansing and Glycolic Fix Pads
Glycolic skincare is something I've never really ventured into before, but it is something that has always intrigued me,. While the science behind Glycolic Acid baffles me, I do know it's great for exfoliating and resurfacing the skin tone.

Glycolic Acid also comes in different strengths, ranging from the higher more potent amounts most commonly used by dermatologists in facial peels and the lower doses which can be found in a variety of skincare products that are available to the mass market.

I recently came across this Glycolic Party-Prep set from Nip and Fab and thought I would give it a whirl, so here's my thoughts.

Have any of you guys tried Glycolic Acid, if so what are your favourite recommendations?
This pack retails for £14.95 for 60 Glycolic Fix Pads and 150ml of Glycolic Cleanser. I think this is excellent value for money for two full sized products that if bought separately would come to over £20.
This Nip + Fab Glycolic Set comes boxed in bright eye-catching packaging, which defiantly caught my eye. The wording also sold it for me too because of the party prep, Glycolic and brighten aspect. It also helps that Kylie Jenner is a big fan of both these products too!
Although these products can be used alone, this kit is designed to work together to get the best results. It is also recommended you wear an SPF while using this Glycolic System.
Step 1 is the Glycolic Cleanser which is used just like your everyday cleanser, I just massaged this in with a little water onto my face and neck and then rinsed it off with a warm flannel. This cleanser is designed to cleanse, clear and soften the skin deeply and for me it defiantly did this well. It also has a lovely fresh grapefruit scent and a beautiful light consistency that really did make my skin feel super clean and refreshed.
Step 2 is the Glycolic Pads. One pad is used to swipe across the neck, décolleté and face and can be used twice a day. I just used the pads once a day at night alongside the cleanser. The pads are used to help refine, tone and exfoliate the skin after cleansing. Again these did exactly what they said on the box, I also loved the fact the pads where textured to help better aid in the exfoliating process.
Overall Thoughts
This for me was an amazing kit, considering I had never used any type of glycolic skincare before. Not only is this superb value for money the products together have really helped clean, smooth and refine my skin after just two weeks of use. Overall this has defiantly got me excited about venturing further into the Glycolic Acid world, as well as trying other products from the Nip and Fab Line.
I award the Nip + Fab Party-Prep Glycolic Set 4.8 out of 5


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