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My 2016 New Years Beauty Resolutions

Happy New Year, can you believe we are now in 2016! Now I don't know about you but I love to start the new year with a good old list of goals, aims and things I would like to achieve for the year ahead, that way it helps keep me focused throughout the months. This year I thought I would make a more targeted list of resolutions including a beauty one, so here's some of my 2016 New Years Beauty Resolutions.

What have been your highlights of 2015 and what are some of your beauty resolutions for 2016?
1. Perfecting a Winged Liner
Although my winged liner technique has improved, I have always struggled with getting two even wings on each eye, which can be very frustrating! So this year I am determined to have this winged liner thing down to a fine art and I will keep you posted too as I want to try and find some simplified, easy ways of perfecting a winged liner that anyone can do.

2. Updating my skincare routine
Over the past few year, my skin type has changed from normal to combination. I now suffer with dry skin and plenty of breakouts, that's why a good skincare routine and healthy diet are important to me.

I also think that if your going to spend out on anything beauty related it should be skincare over make-up any day, after all just like an artist if you have a great canvas your paint will go on a whole lot better. This year I want step up my skincare routine by adding, some more essential products that will hopefully help my skin get back on track, as well as re-introducing a few premium skincare products that I know work well for me.

3. Using up product regrets
Being a self confessed make-up junkie and blogger I do purchase a fair few products to try out each year. Some are amazing and become firm favourites in my make-up draws, while others I tend to fall out of love with or they really are just not for me. I do hate waste when it comes to make-up, especially if it's something I've spent a lot on, so this year I'm making it my mission to use up any still useable make-up products in my collection.

4. Trying Something new
2016 is going to be the year of trying new things when it comes to make-up looks, so whatever this years make-up trends may be, I'm willing to give them a go and step out me comfort zone!

Thank you for all your support in 2015, here's to an amazing 2016!


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