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A little bit of a Sephora Haul - My Happy Place!

Sephora Haul
I think I'm in the majority vote when I say Sephora is my happy place, it's also somewhere I don't get to go very often. Unfortunately we don't have a Sephora in the UK (which I'm baffled by!) so my only opportunity to ever go is when I visit the US. I recently came back from Vegas and off course while I was out there I did many trips to my happy place, armed with a list of products that where on my Pinterest wishlistso here's what I picked up.

Reviews on all the products mentioned will be coming soon, so don't forget to keep posted.
Products Mentioned
Soap & Glory Archery Blog Post -
Tarte Best in Faux Fibre Lash Blog Post -
MUA Liquid Lipstick Blog Post -
If you guys have any recommendations on other Sheet Masks I should try, then don't forget to leave me a comment down below or tweet me.


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