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Bright Check Water Decals

I haven't used water decals in ages, and I've never tried full nail water decals before. I was a touch apprehensive about trying these decals from the Born Pretty Store as when I've used full nail foils or wraps in the past, they've been fiddly, awkward and ended up wrinkled or spoiled. 

However, these are water decals, and it turns out they're very different to wraps!

This particular design is available here at the Born Pretty Store, for the bargain price of 99c!  As you can see, this comes as two strips of pattern, which is just enough for 10 nails. 

I started with a base of white polish (I used Essie Blanc) and then cut the pattern into nail-sized strips. I then dropped them in a bowl of water one by one. The decals slide off the card into the water, and they're easy to manoeuvre into position on the nail. I then pressed my nail into some kitchen roll to soak up the water and fix it in place. Then came the magic bit! I added a coat of Seche Vite, and the extra decal that was sticking out past my nail just melted away! 

As you can see, the decals haven't stayed totally perfect - there is a tiny bit of messiness at some of the edges. However, this is only just visible in extreme closeup, and at arm's length, they look really fabulous!

I love bright colours and bold patterns, so this design is perfect for me. I really like it. Since I put these on this afternoon, my nails have held up well to cooking and washing up, and typing, so I have high hopes for the lasting quality of these. 

If you want to try these decals, or similar ones from Born Pretty Store, you can get 10% off using my discount code. 

These decals were provided for my honest review. See my Disclaimer section for more information.


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