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Pink & Zebra - NET Cancer Day

Today is NET Cancer Day and lots of the British Nail Bloggers are doing nails in support of this. I'd never heard of NET (neuroendocrine tumour) cancer until last year, when our nail blogger friend Emma (of Em's Little Corner)'s husband was diagnosed.  Thankfully, he is on the mend. 

The NET organisation uses the analogy of the zebra to raise awareness, effectively saying that if something looks like a horse and clops like a horse, the mostly likely chance is that it is a horse. However, it could possibly be a zebra, and so people shouldn't necessarily write symptoms off as the most likely cause, because it could be something else. Emma's post (see links below) explain it so much better than I can!

Anyway, on to the nails, which are pink and zebra, in honour of the NET Cancer logo. 

I was a bit scared of doing zebra nails, because I've never done them before. I don't have any zebra stamping plates, so I had to freehand these. I was quite apprehensive!

I started with a base of two coats of Barry M Coconut on three nails, and two coats of Barry M Pink Punch on the other two. I then used a black Barry M nail art pen to freehand the zebra stripes. I also added a tiny French tip on the pink nails using Models Own Gold Chrome. 

I topcoated over the pink nails, and used a matte topcoat over the zebra nails. 

I am so pleased with how these turned out! My right hand is also not bad at all, so I'm really chuffed with myself!  If I look at them too much, I start thinking they look like twigs instead of zebra stripes, so I'm trying not to look too closely!


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